so after finally escaping the wonders of san pedro we broke north to our first couch surfer up in Coban. to get there it was: one chicken bus to guatemala> a taxi across the city> another bus seemingly better than the chicken bus...which of course had its transmission fail 2/3rds of our way there...(half way up a hill it gave...the driver tried to let it roll back to flat land but almost dropped us off the embankment in the process) ... the road was littered with trash...with an especially high density of full baby diapers...not to worry though...we were quickly flagged down another bus (a volkswagen euro camper van) with twenty eight other and chris jammed our selves in pressed against some windows in a standing hunched position....we made it to coban around night fall....and had trouble contacting and busing our way to our new friends house but in the end we made it...(left at 7 arrived at 7, refrence the google map for distance) our first couch surfers were great... three germans: Herman(male), kata(female), another( the name has been lost)(female), and a starved orange kitten. interesting folk who had inherited a sixth generation apartment of germans, non-profit-corporations seem to be a general theme among a high portion of foriengers in this region...thiers of course was education, schools, poor children. and all were serving a one year stint having just finished our highschool equivalent-ish. dinner with them was our first european meal done lovingly, chicken shrimp over a salad of a scratch made dressing plus german cheese out of an oven (of course) and chocolate...
the following day we woke slowly, made some eggs and some sort of ham we found in the nirghboring tienda, and set out to find a bus to take us to flores. after wantering for a bit, asking several shop owners, catching a city bus and walking a bit more, we found the "bus station" or bus collection in a dirt parking lot without names. found one going towards flores, actual destination was unsure, as the names are always said quickly and are usually unintelligble and confused with standard unknown spanish vocab. the destination ended up being Sayaxche, understandibly confusign i think. (you will notice that google maps has yet to recognize all of the road en route to this town). Ate some fried chicken for lunch and took a boat across the river we had come to which explained why we hadn't gotten on a bus "to flores." caught another bus actually to Flores this time, which ended uo being Santa something, google maps doesnt know either, and finally a Tuc Tuc to a hostel in flores called Los Amigos, a gringo paradise with bunks for 30q (3.5$) per night, hammacks lining every wall and natural flora sprawling from the center or the compound highlighted by club lights that were kept in rythem to by steady dubstep.
more to come...sleeping by Tikal tonight...
apoligies for spelling (we can only check it to spanish)